Monday, June 3, 2024

My Wild Idea: Language School

I had been mulling over the idea for a while. My Chinese was approaching intermediate level, where basic Chinese is too easy, but native Chinese still presents a big challenge. I started to dream that I could spend a few weeks in China at a language school. My employer wasn't interested in sending me, so I would have to do it on my own.

Everyone I talked to encouraged me to do it. My Chinese colleagues and friends were especially supportive, as were my friends in my study group for Chinese learning. The idea kept growing in my mind as I frequently checked the cost of flights.

I browsed the websites of language schools in China, dreaming of the possibility, thinking it probably wouldn't happen. As the flight costs finally approached a somewhat reasonable price, I realized I didn't have any excuse to not go. I am not getting any younger and it will only get harder to bear the physically demanding flights to China. My private commitments won't be getting any lighter, either.

I wrote an inquiry to LTL Language School in Beijing. They answered all my questions. The details were good and the price was reasonable. I was especially intrigued by their option of a homestay. Plans were starting to materialize.

Between work and family schedules, I decided May would be the best time with reasonable weather to head to Beijing. I got the time off of work approved. Then, I did it. I signed the paperwork for the class and paid the fees! I was locked in! Well, there were cancelling options, but the main leap had been made.  

My employer did support me in getting a business visa so I could visit our offices in the area, so I got that long process rolling, too.

My Wild Idea: Language School

I had been mulling over the idea for a while. My Chinese was approaching intermediate level, where basic Chinese is too easy, but native Chi...